Note Mba

074: How A Growth Mindset Has Exploded Our Business



The biggest shift over the past year for our business growth has been a mindset shift. We’re bringing you and interview with Robby’s very own life and business coach Michelle Humphrey. Michelle has spent the past 16 years as a leading expert in business growth and development for conscience business owners. To connect directly with her you can check out her website at Our show today is going to get you to bring some attention to those “blocks” that have been holding you back in your business. We wanted to highlight a guest that can shine some light on the importance of having a clear mental game as you work to grow your business to the next level. Your willingness to create your own shift is the leading step Michelle has identified in creating your own future. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” The next phase leads to being clear on what it is you want to create for yourself. “Begin with the end in mind.” Throughout the show we develop on these ideas and the importance