Note Mba

043: The Old Bait & Switch



Robby picked up a new condo for himself down in Florida thanks to FNMA giving their REOs away, but since it wasn’t a note deal we go into why Robby likes HOAs even though they take a big chunk out of your monthly cash flow. Speaking of HOAs, Robby is off to the annual meeting of an HOA he owns a unit in to attempt to purchase other condos that the HOA has previously foreclosed on. Listen closely for how those deals work when an HOA has previously foreclosed on a borrower. The value of networking is still at work down in Miami as an offer came in on the Miami Condo Robby placed with a broker he met in Dallas at Five Star. We quickly hit on the numbers and how they have ticked up since the original acquisition due to changes in the market. Utilizing the resources we’ve put together 90% of this deal is being done with no extra work on our end. Our show intro this week hits on a Bait ‘n Switch that we see every so often in the marketplace and Robby really wanted to highlight how this can affect a new investor whe