Note Mba

032: Note Investing Club



Have you ever wished you could get some help with your due diligence when you get a new list of assets in your e-mail? Today we have an interview with fellow note investors, Liz Brumer and Dennis Smith, of Note Investing Club. Liz kicked off her start in real estate as a response to a book her sister sent her: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. The pair has experience with wholesaling, fix ‘n flips, as well as notes. Note Investing Club is an exclusive member’s only website that allows note investors to access a VA training program to assist with the process of due diligence for non-performing notes. Members have access to a wealth of resources that provide the tools to train your VA to handle the due diligence needs of the average note investor. If you’re busy balancing your 9 to 5 then Note Investing Club has a partner site that can handle the scrubbing of your tape for you called Tape Techs. For a reasonable fee Tape Techs can turn around your due diligence in 48-72 hours, there is even an option for a