Note Mba

013: Networking & Noteworthy



Coming to you from San Diego, Chase and Robby have met up on the West Coast for a bit of networking, business development, and fun. Starting with a quick recap on a deal that didn’t pan out, but want to highlight the communication that went on between Robby and the selling broker. Communication is key in the industry, as well as transparency. Building on an existing relationship with Joe DeSilva at RSI, the discussion comes down to changes in the marketplace. Remember you vote every day with your dollars. If you aren’t happy with the service, transparency, and communication, know that it is up to others to adapt or die if you stop voting for them with your dollars.  Though the Note Investors Summit was missed, it is certain there will be an appearance at NoteWorthy East coming up April 10-13 at the Hilton Newark at Penn Station. Tickets are available here: NoteWorthy East There will be a live note auction the last day of the event. It is a pretty exciting thing to have deals available in this capacity for inv