Note Mba

010: Bill Bymel, Founding Partner of RSI, Knowing Your Seller & Integrity In Business



If you've been to a real estate note buying event anywhere in the country you might recognize the name RSI Asset Management.  If you don't you need to pay more attention while you're out networking. And if you're not out networking, you need to take better notes when you listen to the show. Today we recap the past week for Robby and I, then we dive head first into an interview with Bill Bymel, a Founding Partner at RSI Asset Management.  Bill grew up in South Florida the son of a Florida real estate broker, but headed off to Film School at NYU when it came time to look at college. Associate producer of the movie “Highway,” and has some buddies that found huge success in Hollywood.  Creative Exec job following Hollywood, and though it was cushy, he wasn’t the biggest fan of the industry he had chosen to call home. Started into real estate after a return to Florida in 2002, Brokerage license in 2003 and started an REO business with around 20 agents, this was before there was the REO market we know.  Wan