Cathy Humphreys

UK Journalist Priorities are still Adrift



The Sun seemed to concentrate on one aspect of a terrifying event in London when an helicopter crashed into a crane. The crane operator Nicki Biagioni told how he escaped death — because he overslept. The dad of three, 30, was an hour late and hurrying to climb the crane on a 52-storey building when a helicopter hit it, showering burning wreckage on to cars in the road below. He said: “I should be dead.” Two people, including pilot Peter Barnes, 50, died in the crash in Vauxhall, South London. Twelve were hurt. It seemed incidental to the story that there were two fatalities. A ccording to the next story, a guest on the JEREMY Kyle show caused hundreds of pounds worth of damage to the ITV studios after a lie detector test revealed his fiancée was cheating on him. In violent scenes aired on a very recent morning, viewers saw John fly into a rage and kick his foot through a glass door after he was shown the results. However, most comments to the story included "This was a repeat. I saw it a while ago. Thi