Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 66- Neverending Battle- Superman v1 #149- The Death of Superman



In this latest ball-poisoning episode, Magnus reaches the conclusion of the critically-venerated Superman Megaseries by paying homage to the Death of Superman from Superman #149. Last time, Superman consciously took sentient life. This time, he loses his own life. This time out, Magnus is joined by Superman professor emeritus Michael Bailey from Fayetville County. What did they say about The Death of Superman? Heartfelt praises? Scorn and mockery? Abject confusion? Or, in Mr. Bailey's case, long, rambling, drunken threats against persons unknown? The only way to find out is by listening to this instant classic! For those of you inclined to click-bait, "Magnus said *WHAT* about a fan-favorite Superman writer?!" The awesome leaks off this episode to such a degree that there is neither time nor need for feedback from the lowly commoners who adore this show week in and week out. Still, if any of you beggars have ideas for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your beloved emperor at and