Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 37- Shoot the Sh*t vol. 01- J. David Weter



All podcasters make grandiose plans sometimes. Sometimes they dream up epic scales of awesome never before dreamed of by their predecessors. Sometimes they come up with something so stupendously amazing that the entire podcasting game is redefined. Sometimes their creativity and inventiveness is unleashed in ways nobody ever dared dream of before.But sometimes they fall flat on their faces.And when they fall flat on their faces, they need help digging themselves out and retaining some semblance of their dignity. It's a true friend who assists in that endeavor.But in this latest ball-squeezing episode, that's precisely what happens when J. David Weter (but you can call him Dave) saves Magnus from the consequences of his own folly. This episode was originally intended to reach for the stars but the end result instead barely scratched the ground.And J. David Weter (but you can call him Dave) agreed to come to the rescue and bail Magnus out.The subject? Zip, zilch, nada. Nearly 2.5 hours of nothing. Absolutely no