Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 25- The Elseworlds Series 05- Kingdom Come



In this latest ball-tearing episode, Magnus nears the end of The Elseworlds Series. On the docket this time is Kingdom Come, written by Mark Waid and co-plotted, drawn and painted by Alex Ross. This story is a favorite for many people but what does His Excellency think? Did he love it? Hate it? Merely tolerate it? And how good can Magnus do a Christian Bale impression? All these questions and more are answered right here! Trentus Magnus Punches Reality is a very proud member of the Two True Freaks podcast network, the Comics Podcast Network and the Rhymes With Geek podcast network. Do you have a suggestion for a topic? Feel free to e-mail me at and I might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise!Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to