Savoring Our Lives

306 - Halloween Candy



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week's episode, we: [caption id="attachment_411" align="alignright" width="300"] Pairing Halloween Candy with Wine[/caption] Paired Halloween candy with wine Our fave wine bar was hosting a fun Halloween mini-event - pairing Halloween fun sized candies with different wines. We naturally experimented with the three different candies and named a winner. Because...SCIENCE! Played Cribbage We like to play cribbage. Without a deck of cards or a cribbage board last week we resorted to a multi-player app. So this week, we found real, live cribbage board at the wine bar and enjoyed a super close game. Went to a Housewarming/Halloween Party Friends of ours hosted a Halloween costume party and we needed to find a leather duster jacket so Chad could go as vampire David from The Lost Boys. We shopped at the local St. Vincent de Paul second-hand store and were really impressed with the display and curation of their inventory. At the party, we met Loki, a really well-behaved Australia