Cutv News Radio

Episode 600: CUTV News Radio spotlights Holly Wells of Eye Love Nature



Chicago, IL – We must become better stewards of the planet, and this begins with ourselves. We each need to honor our bodies and minds. Then with improved strength and awareness, we can and will make a difference. Holly Wells is the founder of Eye Love Nature, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing effective practices for sustainable living. “It’s a labor of love for me,” says Holly. “It’s something I’m passionate about. Connecting to nature inspires me. It makes you feel small at first, but then you come to realize how integrated and connected you are to everyone and everything.” Holly preaches Stewardship through R.E.S.P.E.C.T., which stands for Recycle; Eat Organic; Stay Hydrated; Practice Mediation; Exercise; Connect with nature; Take time to celebrate. “It’s open-source. We can leverage and collaborate with each other and it makes us better in the end,” says Holly. “That is really what I want to do with Eye Love Nature. Let’s put it out there, not charge anything, just offer basic tips I’ve learn