Cutv News Radio

Episode 579: CUTV News Radio spotlights Candis Tucker of My Indigo Body



Montague, TX – The color indigo is a very spiritual color and extremely healing on a spiritual level. If you can wrap the body in the light of indigo, anything is possible. Candis Tucker is the founder of My Indigo Body, an energy healing practice. “For me it has to do with compassion,” says Candis. “We are all here to help each other. I was in need of help. I felt abandoned and alone. When you go through an illness, all your traumas come to the surface. I had to build on my compassion. It’s my life’s purpose to be doing something like this for other people.” Candis began her healing journey 17 years ago with massage therapy, but during her first few years as an LMT she fell ill. Secluded and shut off from the world, Candis was introduced to Energy Medicine with Biofeedback, Cellular Reprogramming and detoxification. This led her to see the healing potentials of wholeness, seeing a deeper connection with self and the world around her and the potential to help others. “What I was going through I noticed so man