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PS2J 11 - Knights of The Machete Order



Ken joins us again! Indie games and Ken is on the table for topic. Risk of Rain, a new rouge like game that has some risky rain... Josh talks about his unhealthy obsession with the puzzle/dating sim called HuinePop. Then we talk about Harvey Birdman. An awesome show which you should see! And Alan and Josh reminisce about their laziest phase ever. And everything on the internet is free, don’t ‘cha know. Cool car charging roads! And Kickstarters to make solar roads. In Japan, they have crazy musical road ways and highly specialized Tokyo cab drivers. Ken is still enjoying Knights of the Old Republic 2, and gets us back up to speed on it. Alan shares the issues he had with the game. Then the guys remember the first one was the best one. Ken tells us about an interesting game, Factorio. Its like the Minecraft Tekkie mod, but its played top down. And Josh talks about a game he can’t remember the name of. Turns out its called “Big Pharma” by Twice Circled. Then Josh talks about the game “Gender Bender DNA Twist