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PS2J 36 - A Large Rock, The Commando’s Weapon



Alan wants to talk about Sausage Party, and Josh wasn’t a fan of Pineapple Express because of explicit drug use, but still like Cheech and Chong? Then we chat about Fallout 4. We talk about little games we are playing, Alan has a few on his Vita and Josh sells Star Trek Timelines like he’s making money off of it. Alan makes SUPERHOT sound awesome, Josh talks about his Stardew Valley addiction. A conversation about how much Josh is not enjoying the new Battlefront game slowly changes into how Mike cannot stand how Karen Travis writes Halo books. But she rocked writing Star Wars books. PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook Tweet us! Alan @Jedka Josh @FushigiYami Mike @Fenerous