The Game Design Dojo Podcast

GDD 012 : Two Ways You Can Get Funding For Your Game



Detailed strategies on how you can get publisher funding for your game or go the crowdfunding route. Complete with real world war stories from the trenches. Exciting NEWS!!! "Source" by Fenix Fire is live on Kickstarter! "Source" is not just another project to Brian, it is THE project. He gives some personal insight of the inspiration for the game and explains it's all about exploration and life. Brian will be at the Indie MEGABOOTH booth 2 at PAX East in Boston April 11-13 2014 where you'll be able to play "Source" live. So, make sure to tell your friends and help make this game a reality with a successful Kickstarter campaign! Funding Your Game In this podcast we drill into two primary ways to get funding for your game - Publishers and Crowdfunding. We discuss the proper etiquette to use when trying to raise money for a project and/or a studio. We also give some advice on certain things or behaviors to avoid. Publishers The #1 attitude you should have when approaching a publisher is the feeling that the tra