It's Not A Race - Abc Rn

The diversity panel to end all diversity panels, a live finale for season two!



'Diversity' has become a popular talking point across all sectors of work, and diversity panels are regular fixtures of conferences, festivals and corporate events. But once the talk is done, and the warm, self-satisfied glow of attending has worn off — where does the hard work begin? For its season two finale, It's Not A Race teamed up with Audiocraft to present 'the diversity panel to end all diversity panels' with all-star guests Paola Balla, Santilla Chingaipe and Benjamin Law, live onstage with Beverley Wang, for a conversation about the double-edged sword of standing in for 'diversity' and where they would like to see the conversation progress. Also featuring a musical performance by Yeo. Contact us at or tweet using #NotARace.