

The world we live in is desperate for peace. And this is not a new thing. The search for peace has been going on for many years. Doesn't that sound good about now? Peace with God, with ourselves and between people? The elusive peace promised by the Roman Empire, the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome), was now being offered through Jesus to ALL people on earth. This peace was not enforced by power and might - it came through humility and service - the birth of Jesus was ushering in a new kingdom and a new peace. This peace has its roots in the Jewish idea of shalom, which means wholeness. To be whole means that one has right relations with God, with other persons, and with oneself. This was not the pseudo peace offered by the Roman government - but the real peace that had eluded them and all of God's people since the entrance of sin into the world. And that same peace is extended to us today. And it is a peace that is only possible if you choose to accept it. If you choose to accept and surren