Crazy Blessed Adventures - Life With A Butt Load Of Kids

Freezer Meals for a Large Family



 Freezer Meals Click here to download the Freezer Meals Planning Worksheet Freezer meals have been saving us for years Until recently, Jamin's music studio and business were located in our living room. This meant we had clients coming in and out of our front door all day every day, and the kitchen was more or less off limits during business hours...which included dinner hour. It was during this season that I discovered freezer cooking, mostly because I was tired of eating frozen pizzas for dinner every night at 10:00 pm. We are so grateful these days to have a different studio setup. But I still love freezer meals! I'm totally sold on how batch cooking makes meal prep faster and cheaper; I'd much rather make a whole lot of something one time than make that same thing over and over again every time we eat it. And the best part is, having a stash of freezer meals means that I have a planned menu for each day, which eliminates the daily "what's for dinner?" decision. Resources are everywhere; find what works f