Leading Liberty

Tackling Tough Questions with NY Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Sharpe



Is New York a lost cause? Why is the rent so damn high? Why won't Larry Sharpe run as an independent? (Or would he??) Are there any circumstances where gun control might actually be a good idea? How can libertarians fix healthcare? Resources: Apply to join Team Sharpe as a Director of External Affairs. Join Larry's Legion to support Larry Sharpe's 2018 run for governor of New York. Check out our show sponsor Robin Koerner’s book If You Can Keep It. ... What do you think are the hardest questions to answer about liberty? Let us know in the Leading Liberty Mastermind Facebook group! Help other freedom fighters find the show by leaving Leading Liberty a quick review. OR Get a shout out on the next show by pledging a dollar or two (or more!) per episode. 100% of the proceeds support the Leading Liberty production team. If you want to win big for the cause of liberty today and grab a copy of the Tuttle Twins series, use our affiliate link here or click the banner below so a portion of the purchase can come back to