So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

129: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Michelle Perkins



Michelle has been an eBay seller since 1999 selling mostly vintage clothing, designer fashion and resale clothes. She became a full-time seller after her son was diagnosed with autism. This allowed her to care for her son and help earn an income for the household. Interesting Notes Michelle's mother took her to thrift stores her whole life. That has created her passion. But she went to school to learn and educate herself about antiques and vintage. She was in her clinical as part of her nursing degree when her son was diagnosed with Autism. Her whole life had changed then. Her neighbor referred her to the eBay website telling her that it is fun. She tried to see what eBay has to offer her. In the first week, she killed it and wanted more. She started with vintage clothing from the early 1800s to 1950s fashion. Vintage clothing has high dollar demands on eBay 20 years ago. Her first major source is her own closet. She did modeling and acting when she was 12 years old. She was a union actress and she had a lo