Savoring Our Lives

404 - It's Raining...Inside



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: [caption id="attachment_621" align="alignright" width="300"] Chad's Birthday[/caption] Celebrated Chad's birthdayChad's Dad called a day early to wish Chad a happy 50th! (Chad's 46...whoops!). We celebrated by going out for (wait for it) pizza! We had a lovely time at Pizza Man with cheese curds, pizza, tiramisu and a C5 Ranch Cabernet. Had rain in the house Sunday night water started dripping in the main room of our house. By Monday, there were at least six points where water was coming in - dripping on furniture, counters, and more. Turns out it was a "fluke" because the outdoor temperature fluctuated so much in such a short time humidity got caught in between the ceiling and the roof and had no where to go.  A number of homeowners had the same issue. [caption id="attachment_620" align="alignright" width="300"] Cheese Curds![/caption] Went out for dinner With all the rain in the house, we were scared to cook anything and create more humidity so we