Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Dream Visitation From Spirit With Messages & Mystery



This week’s Afterlife TV bite-sized episode is a cool story that packs a lot of lessons. It begins with a version of the after-death communication known as a dream visitation. In this story, Faith is visited in two dreams by her friend Todd shortly after he passed. Her story offers great examples of how spirits get our attention. Faith’s story also exemplifies why those in spirit seek out some people and not others in dreams. And you won’t want to miss the validation Faith received after the dreams, which answered her question as to why Todd came to her when they didn’t really hang out in the same crowd. It’s a great story that you won’t want to miss. Finally, if you missed my announcement last week, you can now get THE MAGIC MALA on AUDIOBOOK. The link is in the show notes. Much love, Bob Olson ~ & SHOW NOTES: BOB'S NEW BOOK: The Magic Mala: A Story That Changes Lives The Magic Mala Audiobook is now avail