Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The 5 Best Experiences For Afterlife Evidence



In today's episode, we'll be discussing the 5 best experiences for afterlife evidence. And I’ll share with you my own experiences with a few of them. I'll also talk about my experience losing my father 19 years ago versus my experience losing my father-in-law last year — and how different those two experiences were because of my experiential research of the afterlife. Also in today's episode, Ellen shares her near-death experience, which I comment on. And I'll answer a question from my book, Answers About The Afterlife, about how we can best understand the afterlife. We'll also hear a story from Joe about his incredibly spot-on communication from his wife in spirit. And, at the end, another true story and cautionary tale from my life about how what we believe can truly become our reality. I want to thank you for listening to the show and sharing it with your friends. We've been growing our audience with each new episode, which is wildly fulfilling. I also love hearing your feedback, so continue to tell me wha