Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

How To Know If Your Spirit Guides Are Guiding You



This is our 3rd episode in the new format, and I sincerely thank you for all your supportive feedback. Today we're going to delve into some pretty deep questions like, Where Are My Spirit Guides When Things Go Wrong? Discover the 3 angles to consider when your spirit guides seem to be missing in action. And learn the 4 ways our spirit guides communicate with us. Later in the show, I know you'll love Jessica's story about her after-death communication with her ex-fiance—his ability to communicate is extraordinary. And Tammy asks why her children have had dream visitations with their dad but he has yet to show up in her dreams—a very common question that I’ll answer. Finally, I share my experiences at a 5-day past-life regression workshop presented by Dr. Brian Weiss in case you want to attend the next one. And I share a true story from my own life that taught me why it's important to stay in the present moment. I've been enjoying hearing your stories and questions and hope you'll continue to share with us on