Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Roadmap to the Afterlife with Terri Daniel



TERRI DANIEL: "This special Afterlife TV episode is with Terri Daniel, afterlife awareness educator, author of Embracing Death, & founder of the Afterlife Conference. In this interview, Terri discusses how she turned her experience of losing her son, Danny, into a catalyst for greater awareness. I ask Terri how she communicates with her son today, what the Interdimensional Postal Service is, why a brief life is not “lost potential,” how the relationship between ego & soul affects us, as well as the life-changing concepts of trust & surrender, and to explain her brilliant insight about the shift in consciousness we’re all feeling these days. If you like interviews that open your mind & make you think, this is a great one.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV The 2016 Afterlife Conference, May 12 - 15, 2016, St. Louis, MO--The Science & Spirit of Death, Grief & Beyond: Dedicated to furthering death awareness, afterlife research, spiritual exploration, conscious dying and conscious grieving.   The Afterlife Conferenc