Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Mother Finds Children From Past Life! Past-Life Memories, Dreams & Regressions.



JENNY COCKELL: “Get ready for this cool story! It’s a famous past-life case. Jenny Cockell had past-life memories beginning at age 3. Although she grew up and lives in England today, Jenny’s childhood memories were of her life as Mary Sutton, an Irishwoman who died 21 years before Jenny was ever born. Because Mary Sutton left 8 young children behind when she died, her emotional concern about her children seems to have transferred into her new incarnation as Jenny. As a result of these memories and this concern, once Jenny got old enough, she was compelled to begin using the maps she had drawn as a child (based on her past life memories) to find the exact location where she lived in her past life as Mary. The location turned out to be Malahide, Ireland. Due to her diligent research, Jenny also located Mary’s children and personally reunited with 5 of them. This is an Afterlife TV episode like no other I’ve done before. And I believe it’s one you’ll be telling your friends and family about for years. Enjoy!” ~