Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Tools for Everyday People to Communicate with Spirit ~ James Van Praagh



JAMES VAN PRAAGH: "Learn about the many tools that non-mediums like you and I can use to communicate with our loved ones in spirit. James Van Praagh and I had recently spent some time in person together, so this interview has a wonderfully casual feel to it. Together we chat about using card decks and books for spirit communication, as well as inspired writing, Ouija boards, pendulums, scrying mirrors, and even the practice of having conversations in your head with your loved ones in spirit. This is my 5th interview with James since 2011, and as usual he shares with us his wisdom, humor, and wealth of experience as a 30-year medium. I think you'll really enjoy this video Conversation about spirit communication for everyday people." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Medium James Van Praagh teaches us tools we can use to communicate with our loved ones in spirit. JAMES VAN PRAAGH'S MOST RECENT BOOK, co-authored with Doreen Virtue, How To Heal A Grieving Heart: This is a gift-style book of one- or two-page tips for t