Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Don Miguel Ruiz, Author of The Four Agreements, Discusses Life, Death & the Afterlife



DON MIGUEL RUIZ, M.D.: "This new interview is with don Miguel Ruiz, the author of The Four Agreements. I originally thought I'd be interviewing him about a near-death experience, but quickly learned that he had an out-of-body experience (OBE) without going into the spirit world. Yet what don Miguel learned from his OBE altered the way he saw things and ultimately changed his life from neurosurgeon to psychologist to philosopher. In this interview, don Miguel talks about what he learned about dreaming from his mother, how our body and brain are matter but we are life incarnated in matter, and the importance of accepting when we detach from matter and return to the eternal and infinite. And you won't want to miss the deeply moving story Dr. Ruiz shares about the moment he had with his son at a time when don Miguel thought he was dying from a heart attack. With his lovely accent and natural storytelling talent, don Miguel is both mesmerizing and insightful in this interview that is quite different than anything