Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Natalie Sudman’s LIFE REVIEW During Her Near Death Experience



NATALIE SUDMAN: "Natalie Sudman shares NEW INSIGHTS about her near death experience after her truck was hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. In this second interview, Natalie reveals what happened to her in the second stage of her NDE, which she calls the REST ENVIRONMENT. She talks about the relationship between spirit and soul, her experience having a Life Review, the matrix that connects all living things, coincidences as serendipity, choices we make and those we don't make, the power of our beliefs over our intentions, and a profound final message about the gift of being human. If you were fascinated by this Defense Of Freedom Medal recipient in her first interview in Season One, you'll want to watch or listen to this new video conversation that covers new, consciousness-expanding insights." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Natalie Sudman talks about her Life Review during her near death experience due to a roadside bomb in Iraq in this second Afterlife TV interview.  ...............................................