Radio Pellegrino By Sound Pellegrino

TEKI LATEX - Deconstructed Trance Reconstructed



Teki Latex: "Deconstructed Trance Reconstructed is me messing with the concept of tools in electronic music. After falling in love with Lorenzo Senni's brand of drum-less Trance, i assembled some tracks in the same vein, as well as synth-based drum-less Grime tracks with Trance influences and naked synth lead loops from proper Trance tool albums. Then on the other side i collected hard hitting drum tracks from all genres, all totally devoid of melodies in order to stick them on top of the drum-less Trance parts. Then it was like playing a musical construction game and re-contextualizing these synth-based pieces by giving them totally different and unpredictable rhythmic identities. The result is meant to be perceived as one long piece of music with several melodic motifs coming in and out." ------------------------------------------------------------- Teki Latex : "Deconstructed Trance Reconstructed est une réflexion sur le concept de "Tool" (outil) dans la musique électronique. Après être tombé amoureux