Savoring Our Lives

406 - Driving Barefoot



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: Discussed Chad's footwear Chad wanted to go drive to get coffee with no shoes on. Ruth thought it was illegal in Wisconsin to drive barefoot. Turns out it's not illegal but is definitely not advised. [caption id="attachment_644" align="alignright" width="300"] Burger and Fries[/caption] Were disappointed on date night We were driving to the restaurant we picked for date night and ended up in a hail storm. When we finally got to the restaurant, it was closed for a private party. So we backtracked to a bar relatively close to our house. It was less than stellar. We've never really panned a restaurant experience but this was close. Sent Chad to Iowa for a client Chad's client this week was in Wapalo, Iowa. The clients were totally into the maker mindset and it totally inspired Chad. [caption id="attachment_643" align="alignright" width="300"] Wine and Cheese[/caption] Stopped at the wine bar Shocking, but we stopped by our fave wine bar for an afternoon