Tl;dm - A D&d Dm Podcast

Episode 24 - Which Way to the Dungeons & Dragons Railroad?



During catchup, the TL;DMs touch on the rule of cool and talk about a cool storytelling device that Tyler stumbled over called "Hollywood Adaptation." It's neat! At the meat of it, though, the lads discuss Tyler's frustration at how the playstyle of the Eastern Campaign's DnD party has affected the last session or two. As a result, the skillset of identifying the player's needs is discussed, and in particular how to balance sandboxy goof-aroundedness (or outright plot dodging) with linear narrative. Alan ran a session of in-character contract negotiations with a devil, and promised to share both his contract and the one he based it on, from an episode of Critical Role season one: TL;DM's Devil Contract Critical Role Devil Contract (by Matt Mercer)