Crime School

Active Shooter Survival Advice - Crime School



Active shooter survival favors those prepared to react.  Early awareness of an active shooter increases the margin of safety. Quick threat assessment increases your reaction time to escape. Moving away from the threat reduces your risk of harm. Develop an active shooter survival mindset and security plan. Our guest is violence assessment expert James S. Cawood. He is President of Factor One and can be contacted by email. Podcast Time Stamps: [01:15] – Active shooter survival scenario. [02:00] -- What can you do to avoid being a victim. [02:25] – Basic choices are to run, hide or fight. [03:10] – Introduction of violence assessment expert James S. Cawood. [05:10] -- Beginning of active shooter survival discussion. [05:25] – Active shooter mass murder at San Bernardino, California. [05:45] – FBI study on mass murder in United States – 2000-2013. [07:00] -- Active dynamic violence prevention should be our focus. [11:00]– Need for situational awareness training. [11:30] – What does a gunshot