Crime School

ATM Security – 10 Things ATM Robbers Don’t Want Victims to Know - Crime School



ATM robbers may be waiting at your Automated Teller Machine. ATM cash withdrawal after-hours is high-risk if alone and female. Learn how ATM robbers think and view you as a potential victim. Think about times and locations where your ATM use was risky. Have a family meeting to discuss plans for late-night ATM use. Podcast Time Stamps: [1:10]  - ATM robbers want the element of surprise. [1:48]  - Some ATM locations are better for robbers. [2:40]  - My ATM is your ATM. [3:28]  - Robbers don’t like ATM machines in supermarkets. [4:10]  - Robbers prefer to confront a single ATM victim. [4:45]  - Robbers expect ATM victims to cooperate. [5:20]  - Robbers hate attentive ATM customers. [5:58]  - ATM robbers will use excessive force if you resist. [6:25]  - Video surveillance cameras not a big concern to ATM robbers. [7:05]  - Good lighting doesn’t matter that much to ATM robbers. 10 things Robbers don't want ATM victims to know.Tweet This Play video clip to see ATM robbers in action ATM Robbers