Mentally Sound Radio Show

Mentally Sound show 3 8/5/2015



Steven Heslewood (Hesse) and Sharon Race present our third show, broadcast live 8/05/15. Content includes: Carol and anthony interview: Carol interviews anthony about bipolar disorder and how it affects families and relationships. live interview with Marty: Sharon and Steven interview Marty in the studio about is relationship with his friend Fran who deals with bipolar disorder across the pond, his book about helping friends care for friends with the illness and we have an open debate about coping mechanisms! Alistair interviews the creators of little cog theatre about mental health, and the approach to these issues in entertainment. live interview with poet jules in studio who reads some poetry interview with Yusef Abdulla Mental health and Islam with Bill: bill interviews Yusef about islams approach to dealing with mental Health. Wayne continues mental health in film by discussing one of his favourite films: shutter island!