So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

136: How To Scale Your eBay Business - Steve and Priscilla Oeffner



Steve and Priscilla have been operating an eBay store since 2016. They sell antiques and collectibles. It began in their home and has now expanded to include 2 buildings and 3 employees. They have been doing eBay since the mid-1990's as a hobby. In 2016, they went into it on a larger level. It all started with a marble and a garage sale. Interesting Notes In the early days, Steve and Priscilla take their kids to the pawn shops. They would ask the pawn shop what kind of video games are hot. Then they would buy the cartridges of those video games and sell it on eBay. They used the pawn shops as their research and development and moved from there. Priscilla works full-time and is home-based. Steve has a computer consulting business. There was a time when Priscilla was out of work for three months. She was recovering from a surgery and was trying to find ways to be active. So, they started to go to a garage sale and auction. They started to buy several things and started to list it on eBay. Steve bought a huge