Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Erin Hammond: Amazing Grace--How God Can Heal All Wounds {Encore Episode}



This week we have yet another previously aired episode that we love so much, and feel deserves to be released again. Listen for the first time if you missed it, or for a repeat time for some impactful reminders. Erin is a former Focus missionary who now spends her days in the ministry of motherhood. In this episode, Erin shares how early exposure to pornography injured her identity, and placed her on the path of broken relationships which further enforced her negative perception of herself. Erin shares how living life according to the worlds standards left her feeling empty and ashamed. Throughout all of this turmoil, God never ceased calling Erin to himself, and through her participation in the Unbound ministry she has worked to reclaim her identity as a beloved daughter of the King. This episode is a beautiful reminder that our Lord is merciful and never stops seeking the hearts of his sons and daughters. We are confident this episode will touch your hearts as we all have individual wounds that threaten to