Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 51: Father Steven Mills: Pornography & God's Merciful Love



Father Steven Mills is the assistant pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church/Newman Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he serves a number of vibrant young Catholics. In this episode, we chat with Father about pornography addiction on the college campus and what he is seeing in his pastoral role. Father shares some practical tips for those struggling with this issue, and how we can love and support those in our own lives who may be struggling. If you are not personally struggling with this issue, please don't be tempted to skip this week as the things we discuss apply to anyone struggling with any habitual sin (aka ALL OF US). Although this topic is a heavy one, Father Mills found a way to lighten it up and this was such a fun interview that we are confident God can use to speak to your hearts. This is our last NEW episode of 2016, and in the coming weeks we will be re-sharing some oldies but goodies. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best as you start 2017!