Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 29 - Chris and Linda Padgett: Families are Messy



Join us for episode 29 with our guests, Chris & Linda Padgett. Chris & Linda are well-known Catholic authors, speakers, and hosts of the YouTube channel 'Happy Place Homestead.' In this episode, we chat with them about their own faith upbringings and journeys to Catholicism. We discuss their role as parents of 9 children, and how they parented one of their children through an unplanned pregnancy. Chris & Linda beautifully share what being "pro-life" looked like for them during that time. They are an inspiring witness to parenting with grace, and their thoughts on sin and mercy are so powerful. This episode is sure to encourage you to contemplate ways that you can be merciful with those who God places in your care, particularly if you are a parent.