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MBFH002: Don't let the scarcity mindset hold you back



Today we’ll talk about what the scarcity mindset is, where it comes from and how to get rid of it. The SCARCITY MINDSET says there is not enough to go around. It sees a pie, looks at the number of people at the table, does a quick calculation and concludes: IT WON’T BE ENOUGH! This means that what you are looking at through the lens of scarcity, is not the full story. There’s more to it. Two of the main areas that are historical in many childhood experiences is that of money and food. That’s where this mindset tends to stem from for most of us. You don’t have to allow that narrative to continue to drive your life. There is more than enough room when the number of people on this planet and the percentage of them that are online, far exceeds supply. YOUR TRIBE IS WAITING. ONLY YOU CAN SATISFY WHAT THEY ARE WANTING. Links Mentioned: Facebook Group: