Harmony Church

Amazing Grace



On 31 October 2017 we celebrated the 500th Anniversary of The Reformation, which dramatically changed Christianity. It was a powerful return to the Gospel of God’s Glory and Grace in the face of Christ. It was sparked by the bible translation by John Wickliff, from Latin into English, which ultimately became available to all. This opened the eyes of Reformers like Martin Luther who challenged the Catholic Church about their unbiblical beliefs like Purgatory and the use Indulgences. The Reformation was a return to the revelation of justification by faith alone through grace, apart from works. That Gods amazing grace in Christ paid for all of our sin and wiped all of our debt. That through his one perfect sacrifice Jesus made us perfectly holy and complete for all time. It was a powerful declaration of acquittal as God freely gives his righteousness away to us, liberating us forever from the guilt, condemnation & power of sin.