Seeker Plus

How The Internet Uses Your Reward System to Keep You Hooked



Today, we’re going to break down the science of Internet Addiction or as we like to call it: Information Obsession. New technologies are always met with skepticism, and yet much of the skepticism we're hearing today dates back hundreds of years. Join SeekerPlus as we explore: where this obsession came from, why it has such a grip on us, how people use our phones to take advantage of our biology, and what we can do about it.We are warned about the effects of long hours in front of screens, but what if the internet is actually a better way to experience reality? ____________________Sources:Some See 'Physiological Changes' After Using Internet“Both heart rate and blood pressure increased in those who admitted extended time online - along with reported anxiety levels. There was no such changes for those with no internet-usage problems.”Meet the tech company that wants to make you even more addicted to your phone