Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"We need long-term career professionals who have the interest of veterans and the VA at heart."



Former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin wrote an op-ed for Wednesday's New York Times and explained why he's against privatizing the VA. Before he was fired earlier this week, Shulkin was reportedly unhappy with scandals and infighting at the agency that undermined his agenda and credibility. Mere hours after his dismissal, Shulkin joined NPR's Morning Edition and blamed much of the recent turmoil in the VA on political appointees that believe "that we are moving in the wrong direction or weren't moving fast enough toward privatizing the VA.” Jeremy Butler, the Chief Operations Officer for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, discusses why he opposes the privatization of the VA. Congressman Ro Khanna (D-Calif. 17) talks about why he thinks the Republicans’ “Balanced-Budget Amendment” is nothing more than a political play in a fiercely competitive election year.