In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Jane Mayer: Dark Money



Show #163 | Guest: Jane Mayer, New Yorker magazine writer and author of the bestelling book Dark Money. | Show Summary: Americans from every political persuasion see money in politics as a disaster. A full 80% oppose Citizens United, the court ruling that solidified the free flow of dollars from corporations and political interest groups into our elections. No one knows the depth and the players of this national crisis better than Jane Mayer, whose bestselling book Dark Money unpacks this better than anyone else. This acclaimed investigative reporter has spent more than ten years probing the shadowed figures pumping money into elections and front groups, from billionaire George Soros to the immense Koch Brothers network. She follows the money to the media groups, academic institutions, think tanks, and courthouses influenced by the plutocrats' dollars and power.