In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

The Internet of Things



Show #162 | Guests: Sheera Frenkel, cybersecurity correspondent for Buzzfeed, and Cyrus Farivar, Senior Business Editor at Ars Technica, bring their years of research and reporting to the discussion. | Show Summary: Kellyanne Conway was widely mocked when she cited "microwaves that can turn into cameras". And it's true, those don't exist - that we know of! But the same week the makers of We Vibe, a BlueTooth-enabled vibrator, paid millions to settle a lawsuit for collecting personal data. And then of course, there's Alexa, the always-on Amazon servant that may or may not have overheard a murder in Texas. The "Internet of Things" - IoT for short - is a non-stop trade-off. What do we sacrifice for convenience? Who sees the pings you send to turn on your thermostat? What agencies might be interested in the Amazon book searches you request aloud?