Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"Whoever wins these areas is going to win the next several decades."



President Trump announced Thursday that he was considering leveling $100 billion in further tariffs on China. The first round of tariffs, set to the tune of $50 billion, aimed to punish China for violating World Trade Organization rules and dumping steel into both U.S. and international markets. Another reason President Trump cited in imposing these tariffs is decades of intellectual property theft carried out by Chinese businesses. China stated earlier today that it will not hesitate to respond with high tariffs of its own. Are we at the brink of a trade war? Gordon Chang, a Daily Beast columnist and author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” explains why he thinks what we're seeing isn't a trade war, but a struggle between two economic superpowers vying for technological dominance. EPA chief Scott Pruitt is in hot water following several recent scandals. Will he be able to weather the storm?