Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"There are people across the spectrum who are opposed to this."



Deadspin published a video on Twitter over the weekend that demonstrated the growing monolithic hold that Sinclair Broadcasting Group exerts on local TV news stations across the country. The video shows dozens of anchors reading the same script, mandated by Sinclair to be read on air, which lambasts “biased and false news.” Media watchdogs are concerned with Sinclair’s record of conservative bias and how its editorial content seems to be in-line with the talking points of the Trump White House. If Sinclair completes its acquisition of Tribune Media, it could reach 72% of U.S. households and could push even more “must air” scripts on its audience, giving them less coverage of local news and local politics. Pam Vogel, a research fellow at Media Matters, talks about Sinclair’s effect on local news and the difficulty in regulating the ambitious media behemoth. President Trump said he wants the military to guard the Mexican border until his border wall is in place. Michael and Rick examine what might be motivating