Em Pulse

A safe place to come – Heartbeat - EM Pulse



A SAFE PLACE TO COME - HEARTBEAT In this Heartbeat we get a fresh perspective on how you can identify and help victims of human trafficking on your next shift and we revisit a few principles learned in episode #2 - Sold for a Chrysler 300. Join the conversation on Social Media @empulsepodcast or at ucdavisem.com Host: Dr. Julia Magaña, Assistant Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis. Guest: Dr. Hanni Stoklosa, emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital with appointments at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In addition, she is the Executive Director of HEAL Trafficking. She is an expert in helping survivors of human trafficking. Resources: Find resources and join the community fighting human trafficking at https://healtrafficking.org #endtrafficking Thank you to the UC Davis Department of Emergency Medicine for supporting this podcast and to Orlando Magaña at OM Audio Productions for audio production services.