Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Interview - Jack Pine at the 2017 Folk Music Ontario Conference



Ottawa's Gareth Auden-Hole grew up with his head in the city and his heart in the northern wild. Gareth studied music production in Victoria, Ottawa, and London before releasing his self-titled debut album as Jack Pine and The Fire in 2011. A solo E.P., "Lone Wolf", a delightfully raw, live-off-the-floor recording, followed in 2015. Its four songs featuring Jack's empathy for the underdog, deep-seated respect for nature, and wry sense of humour, as well as his mandolin... played very furiously, then very softly. The E.P. is intended to be a companion piece to the Jack Pine & The Fire full-length recording "Left To Our Own Devices" which arrived in 2017. Jack Pine sat down with Jan Hall from Folk Roots Radio at the 2017 Folk Music Ontario conference to chat about his music. Visit Jack Pine online at Music: Jack Pine & The Fire "Cabin Fever", "Make Or Break Up" from "Left To Our Own Devices" (2017, Self), Jack Pine "Lone Wolf" from the "Lone Wolf" E.P. and Jack Pine & The Fire "Desert Island'