Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Interview - Kerri Powers Discussing New Album Starseeds



Blues roots singer-songwriter Kerri Powers is getting ready to release her new album "Starseeds". Kerri Powers produced one of our favourite recordings of 2014, her stunning self-titled album. Produced with Eric Michael Lichter, Starseeds features eight original songs and two great covers - Blind Faith’s “Can’t Find My Way Home” and Gene Clark's “Polly”. It's clear that this new recording is again going to do very well - and, hopefully, will get Kerri Powers up on to the radar of a lot more people - she really is the real deal. To learn more about the new album, Folk Roots Radio caught up with Kerri Powers at home in Connecticut. Check out Kerri Powers at Visit Folk Roots Radio online at Music: Kerri Powers "Bicycle Man", "Free Bird Flying", "Grace and Harmony" and "Can't Find My Way Home" from "Starseeds" (2018, Self).